8 Point Facelift

Our 8 Point Facelift is a sophisticated non-surgical procedure that revitalizes the entire face using high-quality dermal fillers strategically injected into 8 key facial areas. This technique enhances natural features, restores volume, and reduces the appearance of aging.

Schedule a complimentary consultation with our aesthetic specialists to explore how this tailored approach can meet your aesthetic goals.


  • Lifts and revitalizes the face without surgery.
  • Targets sagging skin and fine lines effectively.
  • Offers results with minimal downtime.
  • Provides a natural-looking enhancement.
  • Quick and comfortable treatment experience.

Appointment Details

Treatment sessions are efficient, generally taking 30 to 45 minutes. Most clients return to their daily activities immediately with no significant downtime. Join us to sculpt, volumize, and rejuvenate your look.

What is the 8 Point Facelift?

The 8 Point Facelift, also known as the liquid facelift, is a minimally invasive procedure carried out by skilled medical professionals. This technique uses strategically placed dermal fillers in eight defined areas of the face to lift, contour, and revitalise the overall appearance. The fillers restore lost volume and can significantly enhance facial symmetry and youthfulness. Results are noticeable immediately after the procedure and continue to improve as any mild swelling subsides

Duration and Care

After receiving fillers:

  • Avoid alcohol for 24 hours post-treatment.
  • Do not massage the treated areas for 24 hours to avoid displacing the filler.
  • Avoid applying makeup before the procedure and for 24 hours afterward to reduce the risk of infection.
  • Keep upright, do not lie down for at least 4 hours after the treatment.

Do not use if:

  • Pregnant.
  • Breastfeeding.
  • While having active skin infections like cold sores.
  • Inform your doctor about any medications you are taking. Avoid taking anti-inflammatory drugs or supplements like vitamin A-E, fish oils, and ginkgo for 6 days before the procedure.

The results typically last between 12 to 18 months, depending on the individual’s skin type, lifestyle, and the type of filler used.

Appointment Details

Filler treatments are quick and typically completed within 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the number of areas addressed. Generally, one session is sufficient, but some clients might opt for a touch-up for optimal results.

grayscale photography of woman with two hands on her face

8 point Facelift Pricing

  • 8 Point Facelift £685
skin, woman, clean


  • Replenishes lost facial volume, especially in the cheeks and under the eyes.
  • Defines jawline, cheekbones, and other facial contours for a more sculpted look.
  • Smooths out wrinkles and fine lines, particularly around the mouth, nose, and forehead.
  • Noticeable enhancement right after the treatment with optimal results as swelling subsides.
  • Provides a subtle lift that enhances natural features without the need for surgery.
  • The results can last between 12 to 18 months, varying by individual factors and lifestyle.

1-2 Weeks Full Recovery

Minimal, with most patients able to resume normal activities immediately; swelling or bruising, if present, typically resolves within a few days to a week.


Our non-invasive procedures offer a gentle and effective, non-surgical solution, ensuring you receive the highest quality care with minimal downtime.

Lasting Results

Generally lasts from 12 to 18 months.