Skin Booster Treatments

Profhilo, Lumi Eyes, and Seventy Hyal

Discover the rejuvenating power of our skin booster treatments featuring Lumi Eyes, Seventy Hyal, and Profhilo. These advanced formulations are designed to enhance skin hydration, elasticity, and overall radiance, offering a non-surgical approach to skin refinement.

Schedule a complimentary consultation with our expert medical team to determine the best skin booster treatment for your specific needs and beauty goals.


  • Intensive hydration for a plumper, more youthful complexion.
  • Enhanced skin elasticity and firmness.
  • Noticeable reduction in fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Improved skin texture and radiance.
  • Minimal discomfort and no downtime, allowing for an immediate return to daily activities.
  • Quick treatment sessions, often completed within 30 minutes.

Appointment Details

Treatments are efficient, typically requiring only a short session.

Depending on the specific booster and the area treated, results can be visible immediately and improve with subsequent sessions.

What Are Skin Booster Treatments?

Skin boosters like Lumi Eyes, Seventy Hyal, and Profhilo are specialised non-surgical treatments performed by medical professionals. These injections are designed to deeply hydrate, revitalise, and restore the skin, improving its overall quality and appearance. Treatments focus on increasing skin elasticity, reducing fine lines, and enhancing facial luminosity. The visible results of skin boosters develop gradually and can be seen improving over the weeks following the treatment.

Duration and Care

  • Refrain from consuming alcohol for 24 hours post-treatment to minimise any potential side effects.
  • Avoid massaging the treated areas for 24 hours to ensure the product settles properly.
  • Do not apply makeup immediately before or for 24 hours after the injections to avoid infection.
  • Keep upright and do not lie down for 4 hours following the procedure.
  • These treatments are not suitable for individuals who are pregnant or breastfeeding, or who have skin infections in the treatment areas.
  • Please inform your doctor of any medications you are currently taking. Avoid taking medications that can increase bruising, such as ibuprofen, and certain supplements like vitamin A-E, fish oils, and ginkgo for 6 days before the treatment.

The benefits of skin boosters can last for several months, depending on the individual’s skin type and lifestyle.

Appointment Details

Skin booster sessions are typically quick, lasting around 30 minutes, depending on the treatment area.

The process may involve multiple sessions spaced a few weeks apart to achieve optimal, lasting results.

a close up of a person wearing earrings

Profhilo Pricing

Profhilo is an injectable treatment rich in hyaluronic acid, designed to hydrate the skin and stimulate collagen and elastin production, improving skin firmness and texture without adding volume.

  • Profhilo £400

    Two sessions, 4 weeks apart.

  • 6 Month Booster £200
woman with blonde hair smiling
Close Up Photo of an Eye

Lumi Eyes Pricing

Lumi Eyes is a targeted treatment designed to rejuvenate and refresh the under-eye area by improving hydration, elasticity, and reducing dark circles.

  • Lumi Eyes £80
  • 2 Sessions £160

Seventy Hyal

Seventy Hyal is a skin booster that uses a potent hyaluronic acid formulation to deeply hydrate and revitalize the skin, promoting a smoother and more youthful appearance.

  • Seventy Hyal £150
  • 1st Booster £120
  • 2nd Booster £100
Woman's Face

Profhilo Results

  • Delivers intense hydration across the skin.
  • Stimulates collagen and elastin production.
  • Improves overall skin tone and texture.
  • Offers a tightening and lifting effect.

1-2 Days Full Recovery

Minimal, with most individuals able to resume normal activities immediately. Any mild swelling dissipates within 24-48 hours.


Our non-invasive procedures offer a gentle and effective, non-surgical solution, ensuring you receive the highest quality care with minimal downtime.

Lasting Results

Effects last up to 6 months, enhancing skin quality with gradual improvement.

Lumi Eyes Results

  • Reduces dark circles under the eyes.
  • Decreases under-eye puffiness.
  • Brightens and revitalizes the eye contour area.
  • Enhances skin smoothness around the eyes.

1-2 Weeks Full Recovery

Typically quick, with possible temporary mild bruising or swelling under the eyes.


Our non-invasive procedures offer a gentle and effective, non-surgical solution, ensuring you receive the highest quality care with minimal downtime.

Lasting Results

Visible improvements for up to 6 months, with ongoing benefits from increased hydration and elasticity.

Seventy Hyal Results

  • Provides deep skin hydration.
  • Improves skin elasticity and firmness.
  • Reduces fine lines and surface wrinkles.
  • Promotes a more youthful, dewy appearance.

1-3 Days Recovery

No downtime required; patients can return to daily activities immediately with potential minor redness or swelling.


Our non-invasive procedures offer a gentle and effective, non-surgical solution, ensuring you receive the highest quality care with minimal downtime.

Lasting Results

Lasts around 6 months, providing deep hydration and revitalized skin appearance.